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My New Favorite Snack

April 17, 2010

I think I lead a healthy lifestyle. I work out 4 – 5 days a week, I cook Z and I dinner almost every night, and I get about 10 servings of vegetables a day. But I do have one downfall, and that is snacking.

I love to snack! Bring me to a dinner party and I will ooh and ahh over the h’orderves. Some of my favorite meals consist only of cheese, crackers, and pate. I could munch on almonds like it is my job. This is the main reason I do not keep snack foods in the house; besides a piece of toast with almond butter or some carrot sticks our refrigerator is full of meal-only items. When I lived by myself I would come home from work so hungry that I would have a small snack, which would turn into a big snack, and then I didn’t want a real dinner. Now during the week it is not such a problem, since I have become an expert in meal planning, but on the weekends when Z and I usually eat only two meals (brunch and dinner) around mid afternoon I am always browsing the cupboards for something to hold me over until supper.

Tortilla chips are my number one weakness. They are crunchy, salty, and delicious. I will pick up a bag on a weekend knowing that I will finish the whole thing by Sunday night, along with a jar of salsa and maybe some homemade guacamole. In my dream world I believe that tortilla chips are “healthier” than regular chips since there are only 2 – 3 whole, real ingredients listed, instead of a slew of flavorings and artificial colors. But I know they come from the land of the deep fryer, and I could only dream that there was a healthier version out there.

This week, low and behold!, I discovered there is! Jessica posted a recipe for baked nachos on her blog, which immediately caught my eye, obviously because my chip loves are involved. The simple recipe she listed was not only super easy, but used hardly any fat. No deep fryer needed! Take that, Tostitos…I have crossed over an am never going back!

Baked Tortilla Chips (Adapted from How Sweet It Is)

6″ corn tortillas

Pam spray

Salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 375*

Cut each corn tortilla into 4 or 6 pieces (I cut them into 6, easier to dip into the salsa jar!)

On a metal baking rack, place the pieces in a single layer. Spray the tops with Pam and sprinkle with salt.

Bake for 10 – 13 minutes, or until chips are crisp and golden. Enjoy with your favorite dip!

This chips are perfection, crisp and toasty. I cannot wait to experiment more with these, adding different seasonings and flavors (I am hoping to replicate the Hint of Lime, aka crack chips). Thank you, Jessica, for the awesome recipe. It has already become a staple in our house πŸ™‚

Have you created a healthier version of your favorite snack?

11 Comments leave one →
  1. April 17, 2010 8:47 pm

    So glad you liked these!!! πŸ™‚

  2. April 17, 2010 8:53 pm

    I love snacking too! πŸ˜‰ My husband makes us chips like that every now and then. Way better than store bought!! πŸ™‚

  3. April 18, 2010 10:54 am

    Absolutely delicious! Love the simplicity and ease of these chips. I would love to have made these for guests this past weekend! Tortilla chips are a gift from Heaven I think. I’m not generally into chips, I’d much prefer something sweeter, but at my party I got down to business with the tortilla chips and guacamole and think I may have fallen in love. Nothing better than the textural variety and the salty corn taste!!

    I look forward to my afternoon snack everyday!!

    Hope you have a beautiful Sunday, my love!!!

  4. April 18, 2010 1:21 pm

    My healthy version of a favorite snack is to blend cottage cheese (completely smooth) with any of the following: cocoa powder, pb2, strawberries, pumpkin puree… I’m sure there are others I’ve made too. I sweeten it with truvia or stevia, and it’s like having a bowl of cheesecake “mousse” or soft-serve ice cream, if I put it in the freezer for a bit!

    • April 20, 2010 8:50 pm

      Sounds amazing!!! i’ll have to make some this weekend, I just happen to have some cottage cheese around πŸ™‚

  5. April 18, 2010 4:16 pm

    Ohhh, I am SUCH a snacker too! These look delicious!

  6. Lil Bro permalink
    April 18, 2010 5:37 pm

    Juice a lime and combine it with 2 tsp salt and 1 tsp sugar, then dip the tortillas one at a time in the mixture. Leave those on the rack to dry for an hour before baking and you’ll get all that limey goodness!

  7. April 18, 2010 6:45 pm

    snacking is so 100% my downfall too.

    my new fave healthy snack alternative, which in actuality tastes WAY better than potato chips, or really anything else in the world, is kale chips! πŸ˜‰

  8. April 18, 2010 8:46 pm

    Hi Sophie! I’m a brand new blogger and have really enjoyed reading your blog! Your recipes all look scrumptious, and I’ve bookmarked a few of them to try in the coming weeks. πŸ™‚

    I too, have a serious weakness for snacking. My downfall is ice cream…If I buy a half gallon it will be gone in 2 days! Not exaggerating. :-/

    • April 20, 2010 8:49 pm

      Thanks for stopping by, I hope you try them soon! Welcome to the blog world, its great! πŸ™‚ And ice cream is awesome, my favorite is coffee!

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